Workshop on
Future Prospects of Hadron Physics at J-PARC
and Large Scale Computational Physics in 2013
* February 11-13, 2013
* 2F Conference room, Ibaraki Quantum Beam Research Center (IQBRC)
================== February 11 =======================
9:30 -- 10:00 (30) Registration
*** Session 1 gJ-PARC, Strangenessh Chair: Hirokazu Tamura (Tohoku University)
10:00 -- 10:10 (10) Shunzo Kumano (KEK)
J-PARC theory activities
10:10 -- 10:50 (35+5) Kyoichiro Ozawa (KEK)
Hadron physics experiments at J-PARC
10:50 -- 11:30 (35+5) Thomas Rijken (University of Nijmegen)
ESC08-models of baryon-baryon interactions
11:30 -- 12:05 (30+5) Kenji Sasaki (University of Tsukuba)
Baryon-baryon interactions in strangeness sector from lattice QCD
12:05 -- 13:10 (65) Lunch
*** Session 2 gJ-PARC, Neutrino, Nuclear matterh Chair: Toshitaka Kajino (NAO)
13:10 -- 13:20 (10) Kazuhiro Tanaka (KEK)
Welcome address
13:20 -- 14:00 (35+5) Toru Sato (Osaka University)
Neutrino-nucleus reaction from a few hundred MeV to GeV region
14:00 -- 14:25 (20+5) Myung-Ki Cheoun (Soongsil University)
Density effects in neutrino reactions in nuclear matter
14:25 -- 14:50 (20+5) Koji Hashimoto (Osaka University)
A mechanism of ferromagnetism at high density matter and neutron stars
14:50 -- 15:10 (20) Break
*** Session 3 gStrangeness (Hypernuclei)h Chair: Emiko Hiyama (RIKEN)
15:10 -- 15:50 (35+5) John Millener (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Shell-model calculations for light hypernuclei
15:50 -- 16:10 (15+5) Masahiro Isaka (Hokkaido University)
Structure of triaxially deformed hypernucleus 25©Mg
16:10 -- 16:35 (20+5) Takahisa Koike (RIKEN)
Formation of light ¬- hypernucleus by (K-, K+) reactions
16:35 -- 16:55 (15+5) Hitoshi Sugimura (Kyoto University)
Production of 6©H neutron-rich hypernuclei via the (Î-, K+) reaction at J-PARC
16:55 -- 17:15 (20) Break
*** Session 4 gStrangeness (Kaonic nuclei)h Chair: Baha Balantekin (University of Wisconsin)
17:15 -- 17:40 (20+5) Takumi Muto (Chiba Institute of Technology)
Coexistence of antikaons and hyperons in finite nuclei
17:40 -- 18:05 (20+5) Takayasu Sekihara (KEK)
Internal structure of the resonant ©(1405) state in chiral dynamics
18:05 -- 18:25 (15+5) Yudai Ichikawa (Kyoto University)
Search for a nuclear kaon bound state K-pp at the J-PARC
18:35 -- Party at KOURYU plaza (IQBRC 2F)
Sinya Aoki (University of Tsukuba)
================== February 12 =======================
*** Session 5 gNeutron star, Strangenessh Chair: Takumi Muto (Chiba Institute of Technology)
9:15 -- 9:55 (35+5) David Blaschke (University of Wroclaw)
Theory of dense compact star matter - methods, problems and perspectives
9:55 -- 10:20 (20+5) Tatsuyuki Takatsuka (Iwate University)
Cooling of hyperon-mixed neutron stars
10:20 -- 10:45 (20+5) Tetsuo Hatsuda (RIKEN)
Meson condensation analogs in ultracold atomic and molecular dipolar gases
10:45 -- 11:05 (20) Break
*** Session 6 gNeutron star, Nuclear matterh Chair: Kazuma Nakazawa (Gifu University)
11:05 -- 11:30 (20+5) Hiroyuki Sako (JAEA)
Search for H-dibaryon at J-PARC E42 experiment
11:30 -- 11:55 (20+5) Toshiki Maruyama (JAEA)
Structure of nuclear matter in compact stars
11:55 -- 12:20 (20+5) Shigehiro Yasui (KEK)
Anti-D and B meson in nuclear medium
12:20 -- 13:25 (65) Lunch
*** Session 7 gNeutron star, Dense matterh Chair: Masayuki Matsuzaki (Fukuoka University of Education)
13:25 -- 14:05 (35+5) Mark Alford (Washington University)
Quark matter in neutron stars
14:05 -- 14:25 (15+5) Kota Masuda (University of Tokyo)
Hadron-quark crossover and massive hybrid stars with strangeness
14:25 -- 14:45 (20) Break
*** Session 8 gNucleon structureh Chair: Kazuhiro Tanaka (Juntendo University)
14:45 -- 15:25 (35+5) Wally Melnitchouk (JLab)
Nucleon structure at JLab and J-PARC
15:25 -- 15:50 (20+5) Shunzo Kumano (KEK)
Hadronic structure studies at J-PARC
15:50 -- 16:15 (20+5) Hiroyuki Kawamura (KEK)
Hadron production in hard processes
16:15 -- 16:40 (20+5) Shinsuke Yoshida (University of Tsukuba)
Double spin asymmetries in polarized Drell-Yan processes
16:40 -- 17:00 (20) Break
*** Session 9 gLattice QCD, Hadron physicsh Chair: Shoji Hashimoto (KEK)
17:00 -- 17:40 (35+5) Huey-Wen Lin (University of Washington)
Hadronic physics from lattice QCD
17:40 -- 18:05 (20+5) Bruno Charron (University of Tokyo)
Pion-pion interaction from lattice QCD
18:05 -- 18:30 (20+5) Gergely Fejos (RIKEN)
Spontaneous symmetry breaking patterns in the U(n)xU(n) meson model
================== February 13 =======================
*** Session 10 gCharm, Exotich Chair: Osamu Morimatsu (KEK)
9:15 -- 9:40 (20+5) Kazuyuki Sakai (KEK)
Charmed hadrons at Belle
9:40 -- 10:05 (20+5) Yusuke Namekawa (University of Tsukuba)
Charm quark physics from lattice QCD at the physical point
10:05 -- 10:30 (20+5) Kiyoshi Tanida (Seoul National University)
Plans on determination of quantum numbers of ©c(2765) and a note on the parity of ©c(2880)
10:30 -- 10:55 (20+5) Yan-Rui Liu (Shandong University)
Do JPC=3-+ mesons exist?
10:55 -- 11:15 (20) Break
*** Session 11 gCharmed nucleih Chair: Tetsuo Hyodo (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
11:15 -- 11:40 (20+5) Akinobu Dote (KEK)
Quasi-bound states of a DNN system
11:40 -- 12:00 (15+5) Yasuhiro Yamaguchi (Osaka University)
Exotic baryons from a heavy meson and a nucleon
12:00 -- 12:20 (15+5) Akira Yokota (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Possible existence of charmonium-nucleus bound states
12:20 -- 13:25 (65) Lunch
*** Session 12 gStrangeness, Heavy quarkh Chair: Makoto Oka (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
13:25 -- 13:45 (15+5) Shunsuke Ohkoda (Osaka University)
Decays and productions via bottomonium for Zb resonances and other BBbar molecules
13:45 -- 14:05 (15+5) Kei Suzuki (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Thermal modification of quarkonium spectra based on QCD sum rules and maximum entropy method
14:05 -- 14:30 (20+5) Megumi Naruki (KEK)
Recent results from pentaquark search experiments
14:30 -- 14:55 (20+5) Ken-ichi Imai (JAEA)
Study of odd parity hyperon resonances at J-PARC
14:55 Adjourn
* Optional tour
15:30 -- 16:30 J-PARC Hadron-hall tour