International workshop on

      J-PARC hadron physics in 2016

* March 2 - 4, 2016
* 2F Conference room, Ibaraki Quantum Beam Research Center
 162-1, Shirakata, Tokai, Ibaraki 319-1106, Japan

* Hosts: J-PARC branch, KEK theory center,
            J-PARC center,
            Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKENDAI).

   > Large size (6.2 MB)

**** Announcements ****

- The workshop has successfully finished.
   Presentation files are uploaded here.

* Speakers
-Wen-Chen Chang (Academia Sinica, Taiwan) "Study Hadron Partonic Structure at High-P Beamline at J-PARC"
-Avraham Gal (Hebrew University, Israel) "Charge Symmetry Breaking in Hypernuclei"
-Satoru Hirenzaki (Nara Woman's Univ/KEK) "Meson properties at finite density from Meson Nucleus Systems"
-Atsushi Hosaka (Osaka Univ/KEK) "Productions and decays of charmed baryons"
-Hrayr Matevosyan (University of Adelaide, Australia) "Polarized Quark Hadronization"
-Nubuo Sato (JLab, USA) "New developments in extracting polarized parton densities"
-Toru Sato (Osaka Univ/KEK) "Neutrino-nucleus interacteions from MeV to GeV"
-Shoji Shinmura (Gifu Univ/KEK) "Baryon-Baryon interaction with |S|>=2"
-Kazuhiro Tanaka (Juntendo Univ/KEK) "High-energy hadron physics through Drell-Yan-like dilepton productions at J-PARC"
-Alexander Titov (JINR Dubuna, Russia) "Exclusive charm production in hadronic collisions"
-Su Hong Lee (Yonsei Univ, Korea) "D meson in nuclear medium: a constituent quark model picture"

* Former workshops:
 -->> "Workshops"
    - Feb. 9-11, 2012 "Future Prospects of Hadron Physics at J-PARC and Large Scale Computational Physics"
    - Feb. 11-13, 2013 "Future Prospects of Hadron Physics at J-PARC and Large Scale Computational Physics in 2013"
    - Feb. 10-12, 2014 "KEK theory center workshop on J-PARC hadron physics in 2014"
    - Nov. 30-Dec. 2, 2014 "Workshop on Progress on J-PARC hadron physics in 2014"


                           Third circular
    International workshop on J-PARC hadron physics in 2016 
                         March 2-4, 2016
        2F Conference room, Ibaraki Quantum Beam Research Center
           162-1, Shirakata, Tokai, Ibaraki 319-1106, Japan


This workshop is intended to discuss hadron-physics projects
at J-PARC among theorists and experimentalists.
The workshop will bring together theory and experimental communities
to discuss the J-PARC projects, especially recent developments 
on J-PARC related studies. We welcome international participants.

***** Discussed topics *****

* Hadron physics at J-PARC
* Strangeness hadron and nuclear physics
* Exotic hadrons
* Hadron properties in nuclear medium
* Structure functions
* Charm physics
* Neutrino-nucleus interactions
* Neutron stars
* New ideas on J-PARC hadron project

***** Oral and poster presentations *****

The organizers have arranged invited talks. 
We have also contributed talks on related topics 
in hadron and nuclear physics at J-PARC. 
(See “Announcements” in the workshop website 
in which the current program is shown.) 
It is noted that we have no poster session. 

***** Speakers *****

The organizers have arranged some talks as follows: 

Wen-Chen Chang (Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
   Study Hadron Partonic Structure at High-P Beamline at J-PARC
Avraham Gal (Hebrew University, Israel)
   Charge Symmetry Breaking in Hypernuclei
Satoru Hirenzaki (Nara Woman's Univ/KEK)
   Meson properties at finite density from Meson Nucleus Systems
Atsushi Hosaka (Osaka Univ/KEK)
   Productions and decays of charmed baryons
Hrayr Matevosyan (University of Adelaide, Australia)
   Polarized Quark Hadronization
Nubuo Sato (JLab, USA)
   New developments in extracting polarized parton densities
Toru Sato (Osaka Univ/KEK)
   Neutrino-nucleus interacteions from MeV to GeV
Shoji Shinmura (Gifu Univ/KEK)
   Baryon-Baryon interaction with |S|>=2
Kazuhiro Tanaka (Juntendo Univ/KEK)
   High-energy hadron physics through Drell-Yan-like dilepton 
productions at J-PARC
Alexander Titov (JINR Dubuna, Russia)
   Exclusive charm production in hadronic collisions
Su Hong Lee (Yonsei Univ, Korea)
   D meson in nuclear medium: a constituent quark model picture

***** Host organizations *****

This workshop is supported by
  J-PARC branch, KEK theory center,
  J-PARC center, 
  Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKENDAI).

We are looking forward to seeing you in Tokai.

Local Organizers:
A. Dote (KEK), S. Kumano (KEK), T. Maruyama (JAEA/KEK), 
K. Ozawa (KEK), S. Sawada (KEK), T. Takahashi (KEK), K. Tanida (JAEA)

Advisory Committee:
T. Hatsuda (RIKEN), S. Hirenzaki (Nara WU/KEK), A. Hosaka (Osaka/KEK), 
K. Imai (JAEA), A. Ohnishi (Kyoto), M. Oka (Tokyo Tech), T. Sato (Osaka/KEK),
S. Shinmura (Gifu/KEK), H. Tamura (Tohoku), K. Tanaka (Juntendo/KEK)

***** Post-workshop on hadron-hall extension, March 5 and 6 *****

In addition, there is an international workshop on the extension
of the J-PARC Hadron Hall at Tokai on March 5 and 6:
  International workshop on physics at the extended hadron
  experimental facility of J-PARC
  March 5-6, 2016, Tokai, Japan .
If you are interested in this workshop, please register
from the above workshop web page.


Akinobu Dote
KEK theory center, J-PARC branch
Email: JPARCTH-Mar2016(AT)
(distributed to the local organizers and the secretary)

Ms. Kieko Iioka
Secretary, KEK theory center
Email: JPARCTH-Mar2016(AT)

We will block rooms in the KEK Tokai dormitory during the period 
of the workshop, which is close to the conference site.
* The organizers will arrange accommodations for invited foreign guests.
* If you request a support from the organizers, we ask you to stay at the dormitory.
If you want to stay at the dormitory, please send us 
the application form at the end of this document. 
If all the blocked rooms are filled, we will ask you to reserve
a room in the dormitory or other hotel by yourself.  

Hotels are located in Tokai, Hitachinaka, and Mito-station areas. 
You may consider the following hotels.

Katsuta train station area:         (<- The webpage is written only in Japanese.)

Mito train station area: (-> choose Daiwa Roynet Hotel Mito)
for English communications.

Traffic information
The traffic information on trains and buses is given in the workshop website. 
(See “Announcements” in the website.)

Workshop site
2F Conference room (March 2 - 4) 
Ibaraki Quantum Beam Research Center
162-1, Shirakata, Tokai, Ibaraki 319-1106, Japan

There is no registration fee; however, we collect 500 yen for coffee.

If you are interested in participating in the workshop, please send 
the following registration form by email.

*****   Please send us the registration form as soon as possible!  ***** 

* (For Japanese participants) 
If you wish to stay at KEK Tokai dormitory and/or request financial support, 
please take the necessary steps, following the manual given on the workshop web site.

Remark 1: If your room in the dormitory has already been booked by our secretary, 
you don't need the above steps for the dormitory reservation.
Remark 2: As for the financial support, after receiving e-mail to support you from our secretary,
please take the above steps.

***** Registration form *****

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To: JPARCTH-Mar2016(AT)
Subject: J-PARC hadron 2016-03, Registration

1. Name (first name, last name):
2. Affiliation:
3. Title/Position:
4. Phone number:
5. Email:
6. Arrival date:
7. Departure date:
8. Do you participate in the get-together party on Mar. 2? Yes/No
	* The fee is about 3,500 yen.

9. Do you need lunch boxes?
	Mar.2 (Yes/No), Mar.3 (Yes/No), Mar.4 (Yes/No)
	* We recommend you to take the lunch boxes because there is 
		no nearby restaurant. A lunch box costs about 700 yen.
	* Do you have a dietary restriction? If yes, please explain.

10. Do you want to stay at the Tokai dormitory? Yes/No
	If yes, please answer following questions: 
	* Check-in date  : Mar. ??
	* Check-out date : Mar. ??

11. Other request if you have: ..................
     For example, you may request financial support here
     if you have. However, please note that the support
     is mainly intended for young scientists who do not
      have own resources.
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