Discussions toward LoI for J-PARC on high-energy hadron physics
                      August 10 (Sunday), 2014
            Room 227, Tokai 1st building, KEK Tokai campus

Conveners: K. Tanaka (Juntendo Univ/KEK), S. Kumano (KEK)

Participants: W.-C. Chang (Academia Sinica), S. Choi (Seoul National University)
        Y. Goto (Riken), S. Kumano (KEK), H. Noumi (RCNP), N. Saito (KEK), 
        K. Tanaka (Juntendo Univ/KEK), K. Tanida (Seoul National University),


9:00 - 12:30 

Discussions toward LoI for J-PARC on high-energy hadron physics

Wen-Chen Chang (Academia Sinica), Explanation of the project
(JPARC_MiniWS_2014_0809_wchang.pptx, JPARC_MiniWS_2014_0809_wchang.pdf)

