8th collaboration meeting
'Toward unified description of lepton-nucleus reactions from MeV to GeV region'

  Feb. 9 (Sun) 2014  9:30 - 17:30
  KEK Tokai Bldg #1, room 115

Organizers: Yoshinari Hayato (U. Tokyo ), Shunzo Kumano (KEK)
            Koichi Saito (Tokyo Science U./KEK), Toru Sato (Osaka U.)
J-PARC branch, KEK theory center
Unification and Development of the Neutrino Science Frontier, C02 group

This one-day meeting is intended to create a useful and accurate
theoretical model for describing neutrino-nuclear inteactions
from low to high energies.


Chair: Satoshi Nakamura (Osaka U.)
   9:30- 9:50  Toru Sato (Osaka U.)            Research project on neutrino-nucleus interaction (C02) and J-PARC branch activities (pdf)

   9:50-10:15  Yoshinari Hayato (U. Tokyo)     Neutrino interaction uncertainties from the experimental point of view (pdf)
  10:15-10:50  Kei Ieki (Kyoto U.)             Impact of neutrino interaction uncertainties in T2K (pptx)

  10:50-11:20  coffee

  11:20-12:00  Ulrich Mosel (Giessen U.)       Nuclear effects in the extraction of oscillation parameters (pdf)

  12:00-13:30  lunch

Chair: Horoyuki Kamano (Osaka U.)
  13:30-14:10  Harry Lee (ANL)                 Neutrino-nucleus reactions in a dynamical model (cancelled) (pdf)
  14:10-14:40  Makoto Sakuda (Okayama U.)      Gamma production in NC neutrino-oxygen interaction and RCNP-E398 experiment 
                                               to measure gamma-ray braching ratio from giant resonances of oxygen and carbon (ppt)

@14:40-15:15  coffee

Chair: Yoshinari Hayato (U. Tokyo)
  15:15-15:50  Osamu Sato (Nagoya U.)          Neutrino-nucleus reaction with emulsion (pdf)
  15:50-16:25  Yoshiyuki Miyachi (Yamagata U.) Neutrino nucleon and neutrino nucleus elastic scattering (pdf)
  16:25-16:50  Shunzo Kumano (KEK)             Neutrino interactions in DIS region  (pdf)

  18:00- dinner

* Note: Entrance doors are locked on Sunday. Please inform the organizers
        [tsato(AT)phys.sci.osaka-u.ac.jp, shunzo.kumano(AT)kek.jp] in advance 
        if you come to this meeting. One of the organizers will wait 
        in the south entrance of the KEK Tokai Bldg #1 at 9:20-9:30.